Happy Christmas Eve! And look! there's a special visitor coming through this door! Yes! It's the Mayor of somewhere and a small unenthused/confused child! Hurray! Also a random man in red with a big white beard.
Because after all there's only one more sleep 'til Chriiiistmaaaaaas...
Astronomy photos
BBC Breathing Places
Bristol Lindy Exchange
Dan and Dan
David Mitchell
Dragon cake
Helena's dance move
Lindy hop
Mitchell and Webb
Oxfam Bookshop
Partner Dancing
Terry Jones
The Big Pony Collection
The Swing Circus
bakery. birthday
beautiful infinity
bingo wings
birthday. bakery
blood letting
cilit bang
dance move of the week
gender equality
mental health
mobile phone music
moby dick
pet death
plum jam
robinson crusoe
silence filling
sleep for the desperate
social conscience
swing dancing
the Daily Mail Song
the water sprinkler
tips for sleep
wise helayna
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Friday, 23 December 2011
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
21st December
Day 21... I'm sorry...
Again. I really do apologise. but Also. He he. But... oh.
Oh well... in for a penny in for a pound. I didn't want to do either of these really the honour of having a whole day to themselves....
Look what's in the letter box!!
:D :D :D :D
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
Day 18!! Hurray!
Happy Day 18, and Hurray, because I am doing what this song is about today after work. Woop woop! :D
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Happy 17th December
Friday, 16 December 2011
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Day 14!
Happy day 14!
This is me and a few friends (Alberto, Sam and Heather! Hi!) a few years ago performing in Leeds. It was a day of complete Christmas Joy!
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Day 13!
Day 13.
I couldn't find a proper official video if this on youtube, so here is a sustitute. Made my someone with a lot of time, and cabling on their hands....
I couldn't find a proper official video if this on youtube, so here is a sustitute. Made my someone with a lot of time, and cabling on their hands....
Monday, 12 December 2011
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Day 11 is pretty exciting!!
This is not a...conventional Christmas song. But, give it a chance, it is awesome. And this video is the best version, and best visual attached to this version I've found.
Festive love! x
Friday, 9 December 2011
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Day 8 of Advent
Hope you enjoyed Day 8. I know that is a lot of people's favourite song. It's the time of year where I hope everyone's Christmas shopping is going well. Only a couple of weeks to go now! I like caramel based chocolates. So you know. x
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
7th Door of Joy
On the 7th Day it is summer of the soul in December...
Well if you're a regular reader you'll have seen this clip fairly recently, but it sums up so much about what Christmas is, and should be about. It is beautiful and it makes me so happy!
Happy Christmas Love FTW! :)
Christmas jingles to you all x
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Monday, 5 December 2011
What's behind the 5th Door??
On Day Five, they saw something bright in the distance....
I hope you enjoyed the corny corny cheesy cheese. And although I don't *particularly* want to encourage giant multinationals, this has become such an iconic thing.
So hurray hurray! x
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Day 4 of Fabulous Advent Calendar of Festive Wonder
Helena's Beautiful Festive Advent Calendar of Joy
So for the first few days of Advent I had neither calendar or candle! So I decided to mark these days in my own way, by making a facebook advent calendar linking to Christmas themed things.
Today I got a real chocolate advent calendar, and behind doors 1, 2 and 3, where flighteningly mishapen almost-characters. One may have been a snowman, before his head was melted. Another may have been Santa. With neurofibromatosis. The Elephant Santa.
So I've decided this way is better, and to make it last longer and put it all in the same place, in blog form.
Just so you know- the first day's delightful surprise does not indicate that all the other days will follow in the same manner.... So don't be put off.
1st December 2011
Open the first door!! (go on, click on it.)
Wooo... If all went correctly in internet there should have been some rocking around of Christmas trees, a cameo of Rolf Harris and Santa bursting out of a massive present with a saxophone?
2nd December 2011
(you may want to bing the bell before you open this door)
(you may want to bing the bell before you open this door)
3rd December 2011
Hurrah! This was a bit of a find. It is quite hard to find people of this period with videos on youtube when looking for something specific- i.e. Christmas music, in a particular film or whatever.
Check back soon to open the next doors :D
Festive love xx
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