In fact thought I'd do another tonight in stead, as it's a way of avoiding tidying my room :)
This is kinda a ranty antidote to all the serious proper concepts related above. Fingers crossed for increased fun! It begins, as all things should, with a story.
Gather round lovely children and I shall tell you a tale.
Once upon a time there was a little boy, and his mummy who lived in Leeds.
Now the little boy, let’s call him Timmy, as going to his friend John’s birthday party, where there would be cake, three different colours of jelly because they weren’t gelatine racists, pass the parcel and all sorts of fun!
John’s mummy and daddy had *even* booked out Enrique the Accordion-Playing Squirrel, especially for the party! So everyone was very excited! Especially Enrique, but less so his parole officer, who had to be present at all times, disguised as a fez.
The party was fancy dress so Timmy and Mummy went into Leeds city centre to find him a costume. Timmy wanted to dress as Cher, but mummy was not very liberal and concerned about what this meant for his developing sexuality so they agreed on him being a cowboy covered in guns.
Whilst they were shopping Timmy started to need the toilet. But there was no toilet for at *least* 15 meters on this busy shopping street in the middle of the day! What to do!
So Mummy took Timmy over to a door next to Wilkinsons, pulled down his trousers and encouraged Timmy to wee against the door of this business whilst everyone else walked past him.
The wee made a stream and crawled across the tarmac that everyone was walking on, and Timmy felt better. So Mummy pulled up his pants and they went to find a cowboy costume.
Previous discussion on tolerance aside, I am frequently *DISGUSTED* by people! (tbh the rant above was about religious tolerance, so tis not as much hypocritical as comically placed.)
On a busy shopping street, in the day, or *wherever* you are, do NOT teach your child that is OK to urinate on someone’s door because you need the toilet. If you need the toilet, you find a toilet! If you are that desperate, find somewhere quiet at least! There is no justification for this shameful excuse for a mother because there were several cafes and a station around that area she could have gone into, and a few alleys too if the situation were that dire.
A little more social conscience would make the world a thousand times nicer to live in. A little bit of treating your neighbour like you’d like to be treated etc etc. Looking after your community and so on. This does *not* mean you have to volunteer to prune the roses in your local park, or teach challenged children to make potato stamps, it just means things like clearing up after yourself, sometimes picking up rubbish that isn’t yours, not playing your music too loud and smiling at people in the street.
We all know how infectious a smile and “good morning!” are between strangers, and you can start these good feelings moving around *so* easily.
By infectious smile I mean, like making people happy, not giving them facial herpes.
Also- if you listen to headphones or something, which can be heard at *all* by other people, there will be hate and anger. I guarantee it. Because hypocritically it will be me grinding my teeth and glaring at you whilst your ears radiate even a quiet tish tish tish tish or bm bm bm bm bm, which to me feels like a cheese-grater on my recently flayed skull.
Anyway that aside. God I hate people. TAKE YOUR RUBBISH WITH YOU!! Or Enrique will hunt you down. He has a history of anti-socially prompted GBH. He hate’s iPods. And not even his parole officer will be able to help. Esp if you were listening to Basshunter, after which it'd be surpising if you could tell what any part of your flesh or bone used to be. At least without a lot of forensic pathology experience, and an iron clad stomach.
Love and hugs!! :D
PS I did actually find a picture of a squirrel in a fez, but it a was very disturbing and horrible example of taxidermy being basically a sad frozen animal, dressed up for sick amusement by people and sold for cash. Ick.
Aah poor little boy was desperate!!Wet pants in town - not nice
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he would have said something before the stage of wetting himself, therefore allowing her to find a better place! And against a door!!?
ReplyDeleteI'm also sure if she'd just asked in Nero's they would have let them in there, rather than risk him wetting himself on their floor.