I haven’t written anything in my blog for maaaany moons. Though I have started writing and given up halfway through due to not having any interesting conclusions… But I’ve decided that shouldn’t hold me back! So for better or worse here is some rambling.
Gratitude and Awe
Written a few weekends ago when I was home visiting mum, dad and my youngest sister.
Inspired by Tessa’s year of gratitude - http://tessasmith.wordpress.com/2011/04/09/my-year-of-gratitude-week-fourteen/ this weekend has made me so very grateful for my wonderful family, and the world we live in. Pretty massive topics I know. I think I’ll wax lyrical about the second one for a moment.
Encouraging others to see the beauty and magnificence in everything around them is something I feel strongly about, as you may have noticed if you have read many of my other posts. (This is, incidentally, why I work in heritage tourism: people constantly undervalue and fail to appreciate their own history- the history of the people who created them and everything around them. Sometimes people need a gentle nudge and an enthused voice to realise how amazing this is.)
Looking up to the sky and thinking about the vast processes, what is beyond what you can see and the very distance between yourself and anything else solid is an amazing, humbling and inspiring thing. In winter, in rain, in dull cloudy weather, it’s awesome- in the original sense. And in sun and blue skies it is so much more joyful.
In any weather, and any situation, you should be able to find something amazing and vast about what is going on. Have a think.
Song Lyrics
The other day my sister and I were warbling these lines:
“Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you, sweet dreams and leave your worries behind you, and in those dreams, whatever they be, dream a little dream of me.”

And sweet! Success! You save the last children from the zombies and are personally responsible for their survival and the survival of mankind. Go you! Standing in a river of undead intestinal juices.
Do you really want to be involved in this dream? As we are presumably talking about an adult relationship so would not be one of the children, it is likely that you are one of the rotting reanimated dead.
Perhaps the songwriter did not really have this in mind, and *perhaps* I take things a little too literally, and have a bit of a runaway imagination. I’m also aware he’s back-tracking the meaning to any specifically “sweet” dreams in the conventional sense. But that’s no fun.
And whilst we’re on the topic, Snap: I am not thoroughly convinced that it really is as serious as cancer, that rhythm is a dancer. Have you ever had cancer? Well no, neither have I. But I don’t think it’s really comparable.
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