Friday, 7 October 2011

Roadside Sculpture

Life needs to be a bit more exciting. And we can all do something, small things or big things, to make everyone happier and enjoy every day life a bit more. For this reason, I love roadside scultpure, interesting street art and things like that. I love THESE particularly.

Don't they just make everything so much more interesting? I'm not sure this is actually up anywhere.  I think it's just an illustration in the book mentionned in the link above. But it's awesome anyway.
As is this.
This is a real sign! In Leeds by the canal. And it makes people look twice, laugh, question it, want to know why? Hopefully it's never made anyone actually jump into the sea?

But there is good interesting and bad interesting. This falls somewhere in between.

It is beach-side sculpture from a beach near Kippforth in Dumfireshire. It involves REAL DENCHERS. It is also a kinda monster lobster thing with an extra head budding from it's back. WITH REAL DENCHERS. Aaaaarrrghhhh...
Pretty horrid. But it added interest to our day at least!

Roadside Sculpture is also available in "life + people" form. Doing interesting unexpected madness or random acts of kindness. A beautiful example of this was exemplified by Alan after swing the other week. He did a mid-pick-up-plank in order to earn a pint. He ran up to this girl at random, told her she looked pretty, stopped to tie his laces, and then went down in a face down plank on the pavement, whilst she and her friends walked around him laughing and shocked. It was abolutely hilarious and I now want Alan to accompany me everywhere just to fill life with hilarity. And those girls had a fabulous story to tell their friends,and spread the comedy around.

In terms of feel good Life-Roadside-Sculture, this is fabulous . Imagine being in the station when this was going on? Imagine being one of the people who *created* this! Who is bringing joy to everyone else's day.

So I'm trying to think of things I can do to be productive and creative and bring joy and interest to other people. At work we've been doing a cool trading thing recently- a girl makes awesome things out of burning wood into different patterns, and I am trading her some pretty wooden things, for some wood and a glass candle holder from when i used to paint glass. So trading pretty things is fun. Also, by organisng swing events I feel I can make people happy. What else? I'd love to organise a flash mob. And I thought I might hang some pretty things from the tree outside my house to interest passers by.

What could you do?

Lots of love xx

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