(this isn't really implying, as it may seem, that my note will be a transformational masterpeice that will reshape your world, but more homage to Mr Snoop Dogg, whom I greatly like. So let's drop it like it's relatively temperate:)
Fish: one of our fish at home-home-family-home has been looking a lil ill for a while apparently. This morning it was dead, and my dad buried it in the garden somewhere.
I have come to the conclusion in the last few years that fish are extremely pointless as pets, as all they seem to do is swim around, ignored and forgotten, using electricity and water, until they die. Although I do enjoy comic naming of fish- RIP Ron. Also as they die and then soak in the fishtank until you find them, which if you're a busy person at work etc could be 24 hours feasably, until you next feed them. By this point they have been slowly creating dead fish consomme in your lounge. Surely a dead fish is subject to osmosis, as the concentration of dead fish moves from more dead fish to less dead fish through various increasingly permeable membranes.
If you have other fish you then have to deal with the dead fish consomme, change the water, inevitably dripping it all in the carpet and getting it all over yourself, and/or disinfect in some manner etc, because they have essentially been swimming around with and breathing through the soup of their dead friend, probably also knocking into its floating corpse.
So anyway. Fish as pets- pointless. They are ignored. Then they die. Go some way to becoming stock, depending on how long it is before you notice. Then you have to deal with corpse- hopefully not via toilets because they cause sewage problems. Then you have to sort out the fish corpse juice. All kinds of horrors.
However- I *love* the pretty little fish at the side of my blog!! <--- Look! They follow your mouse if you hover over it! How cute!! They are all called Eric.
The Veil: Today French leaders voted to ban veils which obscure the face. This is a bit surprising for me, as I thought the xenophobic/multi-cultural leftie sides were at least slightly more even. Personally I like that people want to preserve their heritage by observing their cultural traditions. I understand why some people dislike this as they feel that their heritage is threatened by having people observing other cultures out of their original geographical location, but I'm of the opinion that multiculturalism makes life more colourful, people more tolerant, and food more interesting!!
Regarding the veil, I don't think that security concerns are really the reason that the French have taken this stand. This is the country that also has a society to prevent it's language evolving or using external influences too. Perhaps it is the deciding factor for the more tolerant leftie Francais, but in many cases I think it's often zenophobia and the fear of Islam which lurks quietly under the surface of modern Western societies.
In the French lower house of parliament, only one person out of 336 did NOT vote to ban the veil in public in France. This is very surprising to me. I hope this will not come to pass in Britain in the near future, as I hope we are a more tolerant nation who acknowledges it's origins: I.e. about 6 or 7 primary immigrating national groups...
I also hope that others also think, like me, that we shouldn't punish whole cultural groups by disallowing their cultural tradition, because a small number of people who share that religion (not even that nationality, or that type of clothing, etc) have inspired fear of terrorism.
I know I'm wrong about this, but hopefully by continuing with these ideas I can encourage other people to think of it in a more tolerant manner...? Fingers crossed!
Evolutionary processes: Oh My God. This, as well as the link on my previous post- evolution related. Surely drinking is an evolutionary process? Even if you don't decide to try to ride a crocodile- you may trip over in the road, or fall into the river? This is surprisingly common in Leeds particularly as people think they can swim in the Aire or fall in when a little bit wobbly.
I would expect that if you're reading this I know you, as I'm not yet a billionnaire internationally famous blogger/comedienne- therefore I probably like you. Therefore please drink moderately and don't try to sit on any dangerous carnivores, so your wonderousness can remain in the gene pool? That'd be lovely.
With BP's latest attempt to stop the flow of oil into the ocean, we are all hoping this may be the end. Wouldn't it be easier if we didn't drill for oil? This is an over-simplistic way of looking at the problem, but it's a simple and hopeful message. Put international pressure on Obama to move towards cleaner more sustainable fuels here.
Here is another treat for you. Yes. It's a dancemove to play with at home, from the guest-location of my family's dining room. Complete with sister's friend's stick insects. They didn't feel like participating.
Love and Hugs?!? This blog has everything. Good show! x
ReplyDeleteHope the south is treating you well! Interesting stuff, keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteThe main problem with fish as I see it, is they get really upset if you get them out to pet them:(
Uncool though it may be to say it, I think that veils sould be removed in the UK anywhere I would be expected to remove a hat or motorcycle helmet, IE - Petrol stations, banks and the like. I do not have a problem with headscarves that do not cover the face being worn anywhere, but you cannot have one security policy for one section of the population and one for another. I'm inclined to agree that this is not the rationale behind the French ban.
On another topic, I side with the owls in this one!
Thanks Jo! :)
ReplyDeleteSeb: All my fish have been really cold and unresponsive when you try to handle them.
You are right there is a security problem with things that cover your whole head, just like anyone else who would be wearing eg motorcycle helmet. If it comes to a vote in the UK I would expect some kind of compromise e.g. it would be illegal within some list of places that currently you would not be able to wear a helmet.
This is probably the best outcome because it doesn't preclude people observing their traditions in most places, but it makes others less concerned about security in places like banks etc. It would probably mean that these women would just never go into banks etc, and get male relations to do these jobs for them and I could see much heavy debating would occur...
The piece i heard about the French banning the veil wasnt about Islam but about the veil being demeaning to women. and it wasnt all veils that were to be banned. just the one that fully covers your face.
ReplyDeleteAlso, in my experience the full veils are used only because they're expected by other people not because of a want to preserve culture, much like the hair issue that we were talking about the other day.
Yeah it is just for veils which obscure the face, and there are feminist arguments for being opposed to them. It depends entirely on whether individual women subscribe to their use of the veil or of they're imposed upon them which I'm not sure you can apply to broad spectrums of people. Some may find it liberating, and some may find it intensely patronising to be pitied and considered oppressed. I think a no-win really! I just want everyone to be tolerant and nice to each other... Am clearly a ridiculous dreamer :)