Wednesday, 21 July 2010

A plea for visable affection

I would really quite like it if some people followed my blog. It'd give me a wonderful feeling of affirmation. I know people have been reading it too because people have mentionned things about it to me, but having only 2 followers does NOT make my blog look cool and wonderful and successful. And that's problematic for me, for as although I know it is generally better to live by your own standards of success etc, my standards of success pretty much equal other people realising/thinking I am successful.

Like swing dancing for instance. I'm aware I'm not the best dancer. But I have been putting in much effort into making my dancing LOOK better. Even if my technique is questionable, if I can add little twiddly bits with my hands and feet to look cooler than I am, it's all good.

This is also v much like how I dress: I put a LOT of effort into dressing to make myself look thinner than I actually am. I would like to be actually thinner, but as this is quite difficult to acheive, I can at least try to fool the world into thinking I am of a more beautiful slender shape.

The point is- follow me, so that I look cooler to others, and as a result they follow me, and then i look cooler to others, and they follow me, and then they tell their friends, and they follow me, and i look cooler to everyone, and everyone follows me. That's the way it should be.

So I suppose I should give you a reason to follow me then. Something to demonstrate that it'd be worth your while?

Looky a fun website!

Seen this already. Seen the whole internet already? Nothing left to do in your pointless empty meaningless life? Trying to distract yourself from self harm/suicide/watching bargain hunt/other extremely harmful activities that can occur due to boredom? This is the pointless waste of time for you!

Loads of love to all. Tomorrow I shall do Dance Move of the Week!! xx


  1. Right, I've signed up. There had better be boobs, and explosions as well. x

  2. What? If theres gonna be boobs and explosions then i'm not signing up!

  3. I prefer to follow anonymously. It's my way.

  4. Any boobs and explosions are kind incidental. But they'll probably happen anyway.
    ...Following anonymously just creates the idea that I should be scared. I don't want to be scared!

  5. There's no need to be scared.

    ...Not yet.

  6. whimper... you begin with D I have some thoughts on that.

  7. Think I've signed up to follow your blog, waiting for move of the week.

  8. Or I end in d, and you just don't know it. ;)

    Riddle me this: My first is in 'antidisestablishmentarianism', and not in 'pork'...

  9. :D Fabulous. You sound like Theo using D for no real reason, but you could be Daryl or Ed or Dave or many many other people i know. But please stick around.
