Sunday, 30 September 2012

Gangnam Style Scottish Tudor Socks

So. I had a *lovely* time last weekend, swing dancing in Edinburgh with loads of brilliant people.

However, over the weekend I referred to, and made comparison with a variety of things, to be met with blank stares. So HERE are either a) a selection of random things which are hopefully entertaining or interesting or b) that thing I was talking about so now you understand/know a bit more.

Gangnam Style!

I was planning to Gangnam up my lindy a bit this weekend for comedy value. If you don’t know what this means – look here.

Gangnam Style, by Psy is number 1 in the charts of many countries and is a kinda K-Pop pastiche on people from the area called Gangnam.

“"Gangnam is a territory in Seoul, Korea. I describe it as noble at the daytime and going crazy at the night time. I compare ladies to the territory. So — noble at the daytime, going crazy at the night time — and the lyric says I am the right guy for the lady who is like that." Psy. Btw Oppa means kind of big brother/father/dad. So a mix between the colloquial “Brother” and the Jazz “Daddy” I think.

The Video is well known for being quite funny but I think is funnier for those familiar with Korean TV etc as it features loads of cameos by celebs. E.g. the guy in the lift is a TV comedian doing his “signature pelvic thrusts”.

Who knows.

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre

Do what they say on the tin. Have a look at these vids. Hopefully they will brighten your day. I have had the honour of seeing the Socks live in Harrogate a couple of years ago :D

Maximilian I

So. Henry VIII was Maximilian I’s (1459-1519, Holy Roman Emperor) biggest fan. He loved him greatly.

Maximilian was apparently his own biggest fan, so they would get on very well.

He was so enamoured with himself, apparently, that he made himself armours modelled on himself, with his own face on the helmet with massive rams horns and strange little prince-nez, and gave them to some of the kings of Europe, including Henry VIII. I am imagining Henry to be OMG SO EXCITED at this TO DIE FOR amazing gift from his hero, but today it is really very creepy to look at.  Not to mention astonishingly arrogant to a modern observer.

It is so striking it is used as the logo for the Royal Armouries in Leeds where you can go and see it for real.

Here is a pic.

And if you follow the link below you can see a video of a curator showing you it. Weird eh? But also amazing, and it gives us such an interesting insight


There was some more stuff too but I have entirely forgotten them. If anyone wants to prod me towards any of them please do!

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