Saturday 6 November 2010

Delirious Viral Ramblings

Hello everyone.

So this week I have been mostly ill. As I am currently 90% unemployed, this is not good, as I have no work to be relaxing from. So I have spent the last four days basically watching TV. I am now completely and utterly sick of ANYTHING than can been shown on a screen. All the things I *DO* want to watch, I have seen toooo many times. Come on Mighty Boosh! Make more episodes! Come ON! GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!! Bah.

So I am so bored of things! And yes, I suppose there are lots of things I *could* do. Such as tidy my room, vaccuum, rewrite my CV. But all of these things are boring, involve energy, brain power, or muscles. And I am unwilling to involve myself with such effort. Also I *have* no brain anymore, I have a pressure cooking in stead. Sometimes when I blow my nose, a little of the pressure cooker vented into my ears or tear ducts with a popping cracking noise and the world turns upside down. That is in fact why I am doing this now. I am too dizzy to stand up so I have to occupy myself with my computer.

However fortunately I feel a little better now. I can tell I'm getting better, because all the stuff that was packed into my massive throbbing pressurey brain, has been coming out of my face. WOooop for a disgusting yet winning result!

So within the last few hours I have resolutely said "NO!" to continuing to sit down, and watching more of whatever is on Dave (our TV stand broke so now we use Dave the vagrant we found at a bus-stop) and I decided to make cake. Pumpkin cake to be exact. I am currently trying to balance boiling pumpkin into puree with not standing up for too long. It's going ok!

Here are some fun delirious noises:
Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhayyyyaaaaaaaaaa the world is up and down and fish and have you seen my spanner-dog? it looks like a spanner and barks like a dog! I need it to fix my -N YEEEEERRRRRR- medicinal potatoe dispenser! Maahahahaaa I's well frenked arf in fezzy McDingo I HAVE LOST --zzzzzz- MY FEET!! Red. Isn't it though. HISS.

That was very enjoyable. I shall have to do more of that later.

So I'm actually pretty disappointed with this illness. It's been rubbish. Not mild enough to enjoy dossing around; no-one around (like family members or a boyfriend) to fuss over and look after me; no vomiting or loss of apetite therefore there will be no weight loss and I'm not even reading any particularly good books which i can pour over all day in the absense of other things to do. So none of accidental benefits have occured at all.

Also, my neck is very big- glands and tonsils and things. I think, width wise, it prob now looks like i'm wearing a very smooth skin-coloured scarf. Massive neck fail. Unless I'm developing gills, which may be useful in the oncoming climatic apocalypse, I am extremely unimpressed.

WEEEEeeaaaaaaarrrnnnn-nya-nya-nya naaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr BRRAP in my soup Graham....Oh... :( Freeeeeeeee my gorilla printer to Granada in jam. Zaaaaaaarrrmmmmmm

Actually one interesting thing has come out of this illness. It is amazing how automatic the body is. I am intermittantly pretty dizzy at the moment (which as a bit of a surprise, my Aunt told me a few days ago that inner ear problems run in my family on both sides. Woop! I have a lifetime of this to come!). But even though I am dizzy and feel really disorientated and not in control of my body, my legs still walk me forwards, sit me down, take me upstairs etc. Woop! Auto-body for the win!! As a first aider I have walked technically unconcious people  from place to place, when stretchers/carry chairs etc were lacking, and even when unconcious, unresponsive, eyes shut etc, people can still put one foot in front of the other and carry their own weight....kind of. With encouragement and directional help on each side anyway.

So I won't continue to moan. Except that's all I have to say, as being ill and lying down is ALL I have done for the last few days.

Also- I'm going to go assess the failure of my pumpkin cake!

Love love xx

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